The Sound of Silence
So how did you do with the 5-Minute
Challenge to read scripture each day?
That was just one spiritual discipline (or soul training exercise). These practices train us to become like
Christ. Pastor Rich recently showed a
commercial for the U.S. Marine Corps as a more realistic depiction of true
discipleship than life on a cruise ship.
And for any and every follower of
Christ, discipleship is not optional!
Just to be clear, we are absolutely saved by grace alone, but training
in righteousness requires two participants—us and the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 9:25;
Gal. 5:16-26).
All spiritual disciplines have one thing
in common—our actions provide God with space to work in our lives. When we open our Bibles faithfully each day,
we provide God with the opportunity to speak to us through his Word.
The Sound of Silence
NoiSe bombards
us all day long, every day. Whether you
have a house full of kids, or live alone, we still live with noise. When the prophet Elijah was exhausted and
discouraged, God told him to go up the mountain, God would meet him there. There was thunderous wind, but God was not in
the wind; there was a powerful earthquake, but God was not in the earthquake;
there was fire, but God was not in the fire; then there was a gentle whisper—the
still, small voice of God.
How often have you wished that you could
hear God speak to you? Have you longed
to clearly feel his guidance in your life?
Perhaps the noise surrounding us drowns him out, and yet he is there, in
the silence, waiting to speak to you in his gentle whisper.
This Month’s Challenge: Do Nothing!
This month’s soul training exercise may
be the toughest one you could face. We
all know how crazy busy we are. Our days
are overstuffed with activities. I urge you to spend 30 minutes this week
doing nothing—Not reading (even the Bible), not praying, not writing or
listening to Christian music—nothing.
Why? To give God enough space in
our lives to be heard. You may not hear
God audibly (or even inaudibly). The
experience of doing nothing is so foreign to most of us that the first time,
you will probably feel extremely uncomfortable.
But one thing’s for sure—God will smile broadly that you love him enough
to carve out 30 minutes just listening for his gentle whisper.
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